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Bioactive Natural Compounds


In the Research Institute for Bioactive Natural Products, 21 research teams participate from various Laboratories, Departments and Schools of NKUA, and specifically from Pharmacy, Biology and Medicine.
More specifically, this is an initiative of the Rector and the Senate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA and has as main objectives:

  1.     the valorization and promotion of the unique terrestrial and marine biodiversity of the country,
  2.     conducting a high level of research in the field of natural products using state-of-the-art technologies,
  3.     the consolidation and strengthening of interdisciplinary networks,
  4.     the participation of research teams in both nationwide and pan-European research networks and
  5.     the education and familiarization of students with modern research practices through their participation in scientific collaborations on pan-European and international level.